Saturday 26 December 2015

My 2015 TV Characters - The Definitive 12

I watch a lot of television, and when I say a lot times what you consider a lot by ten. My lack of social life allows me to fill my TV needs. I get to live vicariously as a Washington fixer or a Manhattan OBGYN. I get to watch people fall in love, fall apart, kill other people. So, as I do I have compiled a list of my favourite TV characters so you don't have to.

Leslie Knope - Parks and Recreation
What list of amazing television characters wouldn't include Leslie Knope?! First of all the talented and stunning Amy Poehler plays her. Leslie is strong, a leader, a friend, a loving wife and one person I would want in my corner all the time. I think we could benefit by being a little more Knope. She is the epitome of a good person. If you can't be inspired by Leslie then you are dead on the inside.

Cookie Lyon - Empire
I made the wise life choice to binge watch the entire first season of 'Empire' in a day earlier this year. It is so so good. It is basically a soap opera with a huge budget. From the storylines to the fashion to the music to the guest stars it is everything you need from a TV show. And the shining peak of this great TV show is Cookie Lyon. Played by Taraji P. Henson. She is head strong, the matriarch and sassy to boot. I would cower in the corner if I ever got on the wrong side of her.

Mindy Lahiri - The Mindy Project
I had the tough choice between Mindy and Morgan. Morgan is the hilarious side kick to Mindy, he is ride or die for her, beyond loyal and may have slight stalker tendencies. However, I went with Mindy. She makes me laugh, makes me cry and more often then I would like to admit, I see my personality sometimes sneak through when watching her. Her high opinion of herself is what I love the most about her, her self delusion is often seeing her comparing herself to celebrities with whom she has nothing in common with in real life.

Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang Theory
In nine years we haven't seen a lot of growth with this character, but in the last season they have catapulted this character's humanity. From the travesty that was the Amy and Sheldon break up of season 8, we saw a more softer side of Sheldon. For the first time we saw him hurt from an actual human experience we can all relate to. And then thankfully the gods heard my cries and Amy and Sheldon got back together!! And then they did it!! IT!! It was so beautifully shown to us, it made us smile instead of want to die if our parents were in the room.

Olivia Benson - Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit
Hands down one of the strongest female characters ever to be birthed on American television. Actually take out the word 'female' and the sentence still stands. She takes no shit from anybody and always fights on the side of good. She has had her own personal battles to contend with but always come out fighting. Plus she is now a mother, the head of the team and still rocks a flawless bob.

Titus Andromedon - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Every character on this show is great; but it is Titus and Lillian that keeps me coming back for more, Titus just edges out Lillian (maybe because he has more screen time). He is a loveable, eccentric, roommate to Kimmy. He cares about the welfare of others whilst finding any opportunity to further his flailing entertainment career. Favourite moment hands down is 'Pinot Noir' - I am not even going to explain why, if you know then you know why, and if you don't go and find out and enrich your life - then thank me in the form of Jack Daniels.

Mellie Grant - Scandal 
My number one choice for the most underrated TV character of the last few years. Yes, in past seasons she pissed me off but my days when she is not standing next to the President she has truly come in to her own. She still does some questionable things (namely the jurors), but when she is fighting the good fight she is powerful, she is electric and she makes everyone shut up and listen without even asking them. If I could direct you to her filibuster moment in season 4 then you will see exactly what I mean.

Annalise Keating - How to Get Away with Murder
This show seriously demands your attention. Blink and you miss something important. Normally I can get bored by these type of shows, I have the attention span of a gnat. But its the work of Viola Davies that keeps me hooked, her acting in this is sublime and I am not the only one who think so (how you enjoying that Emmy Viola?). I don't agree with her actions a lot of the time but god knows if I ever 'accidentally' kill someone I would run to her in a minute.

Chanel Oberlin - Scream Queens
I will admit that I haven't seen all of the episodes, but I don't need to to pick a star. And Chanel is my star. She is a bitch, and I am not saying anything you wouldn't find in any character description of her. I love a bitch! She is cold as ice with the most amazing closet. If I had that closet I would never have come out (lame attempt at gay humour - but it is that spectacular).

Ilana Wexler & Abbi Abrams - Broad City
I couldn't pick one, it is Sophie's choice. They basically complete each other, where one tails off the other picks them up. They have this beautiful friendship, both too self reliant and perfectly supportive. I can't imagine that in real life these friendships exist. They seem to completely cut off other aspects of their life - but I still love it and am seriously jealous of it. I can't sell this show enough, I absolutely love it and I need everyone in the vicinity to watch it so I can finally talk out loud about it.

Olivia Pope -  Scandal
I love this woman. She is a hero. She is a villain. She is a lover, a friend. She is a gladiator. She makes me want to be a better person whilst also making me realise I don't want to be anything like her - she has been through some shit and has made awful decisions. She is perfectly flawed, she can help someone make the best decisions for their future yet she can't seem to do it for herself. She follows her heart and it often leads her down a dark path. One thing that she does which I strive to do is create the perfect speech, I want my moment - I need my moment.

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