Friday 4 December 2015

Gender: My Opinion

I am going to say it straight out the gate - I don't believe in gender for the most part. I believe gender should only be used to describe physical attributes such as external genitalia, sex chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, and internal reproductive structures. That's it. The word 'gender' should only be used in medical terms in my opinion, I don't believe people should be (or even can be) described clearly as one or the other. At last count there was roughly 7 billion people on Earth, I don't think we can sit back and put people in a box.

Let me explain myself a bit more clearly. I know that for every species there is a male version and a female version. This is down to what they were born with, mainly reproductive organs. I personally believe that is where it should stop. The characteristics that are expected of each gender is where my problem lies. If I was to describe to you what my interests are, what my beliefs are and what my thoughts are, and you couldn't see me; then I think you would struggle to decide what my gender is.

Different people tick different boxes in this world. Back in the day males were thought to be the bread winners, the hunters and gatherers, whilst the females looked after the next and raised the children. However, in this day and age it is all change. Those standards are old fashioned and for good reason. There is nothing wrong with a male wanting to stay home and raise children, and without a shadow of a doubt females can go out and do whatever a male can do. I just hate having to live up to anyone's expectations. No one should have to live up to anything other than the best they can be. If you constantly strive to be something you are not then you are just setting yourself up to fail. This world is a hard place as it is, don't allow yourself to be put under such pressure to achieve the impossible.

For me, gender is a spectrum. We all fall somewhere along the line of masculinity and femininity. They aren't exclusive to penis owners or vagina owners. We need to stop teaching people that males have to be one way and females have to be another way. I have heard 'Man up' way too many times in my life. What does that even mean?? I am a male by medical standards, I got the junk to show for it. That doesn't mean I can't like things that are described as feminine. From a young age it was told to me that males don't cry, we 'take it like a man' which I gather to mean that we don't show our emotions. I am the biggest cry baby I know. Does this not make me male? Guess what, I am still a male. We were taught that females should stay home and raise babies. America might have a female President next year. Does that mean that Hillary isn't female?

It is damaging to teach people that they have to fit in to a box that they were put into before they even had their first thought. Before they could open their eyes, see the world for what it is and decide for themselves. No one should ever be ashamed of been more one thing than another. If you are a masculine male then good for you, if you are a feminine male then good for you and if you are like me and find yourself stuck in the middle, then good for you as well. We all have to live on this tiny planet so can we just let these stupid stereotypes go? They aren't necessary anymore, the world has opened up to us through technology and science that we only have to turn a computer on to see that there are billions of different people, living their authentic lives - happy in themselves and who they are.

No, I am not going to be the male you ask to go watch sports with and that's ok - you can ask someone else. However, if you want to go and watch a gory horror movie then I am your guy.

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