Wednesday 31 December 2014

2015 - A New Me (A Cliché)

HAPPY NEW YEAR folks! It has slowly crept up on us and then smacked us in the face, 2014 is over and we have to welcome a new year in to our lives. I personally haven't gotten used to writing 2014 as a date and now I have to change that. I feel after school the years don't matter as much, its just another year - not a whole lot changes from December 31st to January 1st.

2014 wasn't a particularly big year in my life, yeah I finished university but that was kind of it. I tried dipping my toes in a career but it didn't work out. I am not bitter about, it is what it is. I floated through 2014 if I am honest. I had no direction and just took things as they came. I am someone that doesn't plan anything, plans scare me - I don't like been tied to anything, and I feel having a plan is way too structured.

However as cliché as it sounds I am going to make a change. People may scoff at others that take a new year as a chance to change things, but for me I think its a great starting point. It's a perfect day to sit and reflect and give yourself the little jump off that you need. Figure out what went wrong (or right) and make the next choices relevant for you. I don't want to call them resolutions because knowing me I will probably fail, but I am making decisions about my life and what better day then January 1st to initialise them.

It has always been a dream of mine to be vegetarian, I feel like I have the mind of a vegetarian but the stomach of a cave man. I love meat - chicken, lamb, fish give me all of it. Its delicious. However I am an animal lover at heart and I have read and seen too many things about animal treatment that it guilts me. One day I plan on going the whole hog and becoming vegan, but baby steps. Also another diet change that isn't just a choice but very much required is a lot less sugar. I am a diabetic and I eat and drink sugary things like I am Augustus Gloop.

I might start doing it.


I never save money, if the money is in the bank it isn't there for long. I need to start putting some away for a rainy day. When you can buy a new outfit or book on the toilet it is hard. For some reason I am one of those people that buy things not to use them for their intent or purpose, but for the pure fact I want to own it. I have clothes and books that haven't seen daylight - I just want to own them. So I think now I am going to put a small percentage away.

I haven't seen past these shores for 8 years and it kills me. I am nostalgic of places I have never seen. I want to see things in real life instead of through a screen. My plan is to at least get out of this country twice this year. One of my plans have fell through but I am not going to let it stop me. Bon voyage.

First of all I want to decide which career I want. Then aim for it. I walk aimlessly through life and wonder why I didn't get anywhere. I love to write in all different formats so maybe look in to that. I have fashion experience so maybe look in to that. I love all forms of media so maybe look in to that.

Other things I want to do is reconnect with old friends, read more books (that are currently gathering dust under my bed), expand my movie knowledge and lose a shit tonne of weight. So, good luck to all my fellow life changers. Lets do this and ignore all the haters and doubters. So what if we fail, who gives a fuck.

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