Wednesday, 7 August 2013

I Hate Hair!

Too long. Too short. Too wavy. Too curly. Too straight. Too greasy. Too dry. Too flat. Too bouncy. These are all sentences to describe hair. No one is 100% happy with their hair. Hair is nothing but an annoying part of life. I imagine a world one day where everyone is bald; there will be no pressure to get your hair right in the morning - bathing time would be cut in half, we would save money on hair products as they would no longer exist and we could save hundreds on electric bills from not needing hair-dryers/straighteners/curlers.

As I am getting older my hair is getting worse. There is increasingly becoming less of it - I fear I reached my hair peak when I was a teenager, and I wasted that opportunity by insisting on having a male version of a bob. I am bitter when I see people with nice hair and a great hairline. If I could wear a wig or get a nice weave I would but I feel it won't work and would be incredibly obvious.

I know we have hair for all types of reasons. Hair used to be a whole lot more purposeful than body ornamentation. Sure, we realize that it protects us from the sun. Our eyelashes act as defence against bugs, dust and other foreign particles. But back in the day, the hair covering our nether regions camouflaged our reproductive parts from threats. By lining our armpits and groins, our dry hair actually lubricates our arms and legs, so we can move about without chafing. I just feel in this day and age with the technology we have it isn't necessary any more.

There is is too much stress when it comes to hair. I hope we evolve and all the Craigs to come won't have the same awkwardness as me. I am constantly touching my hair, checking it in the mirror and always worrying when I feel a gust of wind that my fringe doesn't look the same as I planned. For us it is too late, we have this burden we have to struggle with so for now I will just deal with it. 

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