Thursday 17 September 2015


Yes, once again I have left a job. If anyone knows me then they are sure to say 'again?'. Yes! Again. I have quite a rap sheet of different jobs in my ten year working career. I have worked in places from anywhere between 7 weeks and 5 years. I have made sandwiches to listening to hear people complain about their phone contracts. I have sold beauty products to handling million pound business accounts. I have had my fair share of jobs, however I have only ever quit a job once without having another job lined up (the job I quit was soul destroying). I have also never been fired.

People make think (and have often commented) I am just a quitter, that I am not loyal and also that they can't believe that I am hireable after having so many jobs. Shut up. I don't see myself as a quitter. No two jobs have ever been the same. You know what I see myself as? A tryer (I am aware this isn't a real word but bear with me). I try different things to see what fits. You don't buy a shirt without trying it on do you? Even if you took it home and it didn't fit, you would take it back. For me that is what a job is like. I try them out, I see what fits me. If it doesn't fit me then I leave. How can I be good for a company if I don't like been there? How can I be good for a company if I am miserable? How can I be good for a company if I am constantly wanting to be somewhere else? A company, I am sure, wants employees who love the job, who thrive in their workplace and are happy. I am wasting their time and resources and my own by taking the place of someone who could benefit the company.

People will take one job and stay there forever. This can be for multiple reasons. Some people are content with having a secure pay cheque coming in every month regardless of what they have do for it. Some people have to stay in a job because they have such responsibilities outside of the workplace that it is the smart thing to do. Some people are lucky that they find their dream job straight out the gate. I am none of these people. I am lucky that I have quite a comfortable home life that if I don't bring home a cheque I will be okay. I will always have a roof over my head, food in the fridge and drinks a plenty - I never take this for granted. I don't have any responsibilities except myself and shared custody of a 15 year old cat. I don't know what my dream is, I never have. I have flitted around different ideas. At 16 we are supposed to start deciding what we want the rest of our life to be, I wasn't fortunate to be one of those that had a plan, and it sucks the big one. I wish I had a plan, or at least an outline of what my future could be. All I know is that  love to write and thats what I want to pursue (not just to learn how to achieve this).

So, to any future employers. Yes I have had multiple jobs over time, there are a lot of negative connotations to this I know; let me tell you the positives. I am applying for your job vacancy because I honestly believe it is something I will enjoy and it is something I can do. I have never left a job to go to something I don't think I will like. I leave with every good intention. I want to find somewhere I am comfortable, with great people and great personal rewards. I am a hard worker, I used to work 7 days a week and never complained about it. Plus, think of my experience - I have done so much, worked in so many different environments.  I have worked days and nights, I have worked national holidays, I have worked away from home.

I must be doing something right, one job took me back 3 times.

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