Tuesday 26 November 2013

My Go-To Albums

I am one of those people that get incredibly bored with music very quickly, I can love a song one day and instantly turn it over when it comes on the music channels the next day. However, there are some that break this rule. These are my go to albums right now, when I'm on the train or walking places and I can't choose anything to listen to, I will go to my old faith-fulls.

Little Mix - Salute
Quite a new addition to my go-to albums. When I first heard it I was a bit erm about it. I can flick past one or two songs but some really stuck with me. 'Boy' is my absolute favourite on the album, think old school Destiny's Child with a bit of Dream's "He Loves You Not' and Jesy's amazing vocal intro and you have a great track. Also with the album you will notice you start to walk in a different way, you march! They have perfected the art of marching music - if you don't agree listen to 'A Different Beat', 'Move' and 'Salute'. This type of music just makes my head bop and there ain't nothing wrong with that.

Natalia Kills - Trouble
I will always be thankful for Spotify for this treat to the ears. Its an amazing album. It has attitude filled songs, mixed with some beautiful ballads and some throw back tunes that are reminiscent of the 90's. Particular favourites include 'Devil Don't Fly' and 'Saturday Night' - I am a huge sucker for a ballad. If you need a song to help you stomp the street like a boss ass bitch then you got 'Problem' for that - this album has something for everyone.

Taylor Swift - Red 
If you know me then you know my love for Taylor is deep and its real. She is an amazing writer and every song she gifts us with seems like we are having a peek in to her world. I have to say my favourite album of hers will always be 'Fearless' (it was perfect), but the reason this album is on my go-to list is because it is so varied. No two songs sound similar, no two songs cover the same topic and lets face it her voice is like a fine wine - its only getting better with age. Favourite songs include 'Red', 'The Lucky One' and 'Holy Ground' - but for me its like picking my favourite food, its all good.

Miranda Lambert - Four The Record
This album is country perfection, she has the twang down and there is no shortage of guitars and banjos. This is the epitome of country for me, every song is a story whether happy or sad. It takes a lot for a song to make me cry just by listening and not having a video for it - 'Over You' had me bawling, ugly snotty kind of crying. This album is perfect for journeys, you can just look out the window and the scenery fits the songs and you can create your own music videos (just be aware of fellow passengers judging you as you place your hand against the rain splattered window and mime). This album does also have its great up tempo songs aswell. Favourite tracks include 'All Kinds Of Kinds', 'Look At Miss Ohio' and 'Mama's Broken Heart'.

Demi Lovato - Demi 
If I could have any one's singing voice it would be heres, her range is awesome and she can hold a note like nobodies business. Each album of hers gets better and better. This one definitely shows a growth and maturity. She has now got a clubby vibe to her sound on some songs and I'm not mad about it, her ballads are what you expect - perfect, and she still hasn't forgotten her pop routes. If you ever want to mime and feel like a diva (which we all do at some point of the day) then pop this on. Some favourites include 'Neon Lights', 'Warrior' and of course 'Heart attack'. I also very much recommend her last album - 'Unbroken'.

The Band Perry - Pioneer 
I fell in love with this band the second after I heard 'If I Die Young' - it was depressing, country perfection, which is what I ask from my music a lot. When they released this second album I was afraid they wouldn't live upto the high bar I set them. Then they released 'Better Dig Two', yes another death related song, but my god its so good. The whole album is great - they haven't stepped away from their country roots, but why should they, you don't fix something that isn't broken. I am also listening to them on replay a lot lately because I am going to see them on Sunday and I am balls to wall excited.

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