Tuesday 7 January 2014


Hello dear Readers 

This is my 100th post! Yay I did it. This may not be such a big deal to about 99.9% of the population but for me it is a big deal. Right now I can hear millions of bloggers rolling their eyes, saying 'pish posh' as they drink their earl grey tea and type up their 19384 blog post (I don't know a lot of bloggers, this is clearly an assumption). It is a big deal to me because I have serious commitment issues, I rarely finish anything or stick with anything. I have started to learn many instruments, taken many extra-curricular activities and joined a hand full of clubs - never finished any of them. I blame my parents, they gave me too much freedom and choice in life - I often imagine how different (and probably miserable) my life would be with strict parents, but I don't have strict parents and I am thank full everyday for that. I have always believed the best thing a parent can give to child is their own choices in life, don't sway them in any way.

Anyway we are getting away from the point. 100! I never thought I would see double figures never mind triple. This blog has been a bit of a life line for me, I suppose in real life I don't share a lot. My sister often tells me that no one really knows the real me. This is by choice I guess, I am very choosey with who I tell stuff to (unless I am drunk, then it is a free for all). 

I have written about a lot of things on this website so it has been hard to categorise what type of writer I am, but just like in life I have a lot of interests and a lot to say. This has been a great place to vent and also share my likes and dislikes. My favourite ones to write must be my more preachy ones where I give an opinion on something that bothers me like depression, appearances and gay rights. I like the fact I have given myself a little platform that reaches some people. 

Here's to the next 100! I hope to grow a little on this website, maybe write some more cultural posts, maybe have some more fun and maybe even share a little bit more about me.

100! I can't quite believe I wrote that much. I am expecting my telegram from the Queen any day now. Thanks for reading.

Love Craig x

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