Friday 17 January 2014

Jared Leto - An Appreciation

Below I was writing about male music acts that I love, and in shock I realised I forgot one major act who I absolutely love - THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS. I often forget things when I make my little lists and I normally just let them go, but I couldn't let this go. I have the biggest man crush on Jared Leto, I am not ignoring Shannon and Tomo from the band - but the heart wants what it wants. These are my five reasons why I love the man we call Jared. (side note - I could talk about him for a day easily, this is a quick list)

1. Thirty Seconds To Mars
He is the front man for this great band. His vocals are superb and he is an amazing show man. Watch any live performance from the band and you will understand what I mean. The band's music is so special, every song is powerful wether with the message or just the pure power all 3 of them have. Their music videos are inspiring, each one is a mini movie all of its own

2. His Acting
Not just an amazing singer but also a celebrated actor. He doesn't do many films, but when he does my god he picks roles that are perfect for him. He is obviously picking the right roles because this year alone he won a Golden Globe and has also been nominated for an Oscar. Good luck for March 2nd!

3. His Transformations
This could probably go under the heading for acting but I felt it was deserved of its own paragraph. Just check out the images for 'Chapter 27' - that is him! He is barely recognisable. And that isn't a fat suit that is all him. On the other scale look at images of him for 'Dallas Buyers Club', he fasted and lost a tonne of weight. It is scary and impressive how dedicated he is to his work.

4. He Cares
He isn't just one of those celebs that say how much they support or are against something, he actually does stuff. For example his tour was completely environmentally sound, he filmed one of his music videos 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle to showcase the damage of global warming whilst working with a environmental company to minimise their own impact whilst filming and he is often showing support for many organisations, including one that created a law against animal cruelty.

5. The Body
Allow me to be crude for a minute, his body! When he isn't slimming down or fattening up he can be seen sporting one of the best torsos I have ever seen. He must live in a gym when not doing all of his amazing things. I am equally jealous and appreciative.

-You're Welcome-

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