Wednesday 29 January 2014

And the best supporting actress is ...

Main characters are great, but the characters I enjoy the most are the supporting roles. I think this because they are allowed to be the eccentric ones, the crazy characters that can say and do anything they want. In any show you need the comic relief, if it was left to the main characters then shows would be pretty boring and we would get over them pretty fast. So as the ever helpful person who is obsessed with lists I have taken the time to talk about 10 of my favourite supporting actresses (my top 10 male supporting actors might follow later).

1. Shoshanna Shapiro (Girls)
I know we are supposed to believe that all four 'Girls' are the main characters but lets face facts - Lena Dunham's favourite character is Hannah! She gives her own character about 80% of the screen time (I'm not mad about it at all - the show is amazing). My favourite character is definitely Shoshanna, to describe her in a sentence I would probably say she is woman with a unique look on the world, slightly naive, slightly immature but extremely loveable and hysterical. If you want a sneak peak of how great this character is then watch season 3 episode 2 - she was perfect.

2. Bonnie Wheeler (Baby Daddy)
Probably a show you have never watched or even heard of. It came out in 2012 in America and it is rather funny. The basic premise is that a young guy has a one night stand and 9 months later the mother drops off a baby and then she bolts. This show has many good moments and about 99% are Bonnie's. She is the Grandmother to the baby. She has no inhibitions, reckons herself as a bit of a cougar and she is absolutely hilarious. I hope to be as shameless as her as I age.

3. Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory)
Why this character was not written in from the start I will never know. She is perfection. I will forever be looking for my own Amy. She is a sexually frustrated scientist on her way to been comfortable in social situations. Her personality is flawless and her wit is beautiful. I love you Miss Fowler.

4. Dalia Royce (Suburgatory)
She is the dry, emotionless ultimate mean girl. She is played perfectly by Carly Chaikin. She makes me laugh every time she in screen. She doesn't care who she upsets aslong as she gets what she wants - and she always gets what she wants. There are so many great supporting female characters on this show but she is my favourite. She also has her moments where she touches you and she has brought a tear to my eye a few times.

5. Christina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
For me she is the star of the show. Playing best friend to the title character can put her in a box of being the supporter and confidant - however she broke the mould. She is a sarcastic, straight talking son of a gun. She takes no shit and knows what she wants. My favourite thing will always be her wit, she just doesn't care.

6. Carol Miller (The Millers)
She could probably be considered a main role but lets be honest - its all about Will Arnett on that show. Carol plays his mother who is currently going through a divorce and she moves in with him. Cut to a montage of them being on the treadmill together - talk about laughing out loud, it got me. My favourite scene, possibly of any show, has to be when she and her kids almost re-enact the famous speech from 'A Few Good Men' - video below.

7. Karen Walker (Will & Grace)
The ultimate supporting character in my books. The bitch with a heart. She is the funniest character from any show. My love for her is unconditional - I don't know what else to say.

8. April Ludgate-Dwyer (Parks and Recreation)
The Queen of deadpan comedy and witty one liners. In a show with Amy Poehler in, it has been a challenge for me to notice other people (my love for Amy is deep and its real) but April stood out from the get-go. I think I resonate with April quite a lot as I have similar attitude as in I don't like doing what I should be doing, I question and moan whenever I am forced to do something. The fact she found love with Andy just multiplied my admiration for the girl.

9. Madison Montgomery (American Horror Story: Coven)
In a show jam packed with amazing actresses it was hard to choose one. I am so happy Ryan Murphy cast Emma Roberts in this role. She plays the heartless bitch flawlessly. She has been through a lot of shit in the show (been killed probably was the lowest point) but she got back up again (literally) and stuck a middle finger up to the world because at the end of the day its her world and we are just living in it. I really hope she is the Supreme.

10. Bonnie Plunkett (Mom)
She is the mother of the main character Christy. Bonnie is an ex-alcoholic and ex-drug addict, who has changed her ways and is now living on her daughter's couch. She is blunt, honest and  a strong willed woman. She takes no flack and will fight for everything that is important to her, plus she does it with hilarity and style. Her one liners make this show for me and she is with no doubt my favourite character from the show.

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