Friday 20 June 2014

2013/14 TV Winners and Losers

It is a dark time in the TV world. Many shows have wrapped for the summer so we are left in a comatose state until september when all major American Networks grace us with more yummy TV goodness. Of course we are all left with our fingers crossed that our favourite shows will return. If I could just have a moment of silence for 'Suburgatory', the amazing show lead by the equally amazing Jane Levy has been cancelled in the worst way - there was no final episode, no big tearful send off and many questions left unanswered, may you rest in peace (or get bought by a rival network). As good as TV has been this last season there has been some doozies. Below I have picked my winners and losers for the fall 2013/14 schedule.

Orange Is The New Black
How could I talk about this last years great TV and not mention this little nugget. All 13 episodes were put online at the same time so my binging qualities were fully nourished. This year we saw a lot of growth from all the major players. My favourite story-lines may have been finding out about Morello and Suzanne some more. Great acting, great plots and beautiful ladies - nothing else required.

I never had any doubts this show would get better and better. Julia-Louis Dreyfus is perfection and deserves the multiple awards she has received for this role. She is written perfectly and for a show about American politics it doesn't slap you in the face with it, it is more about the movers and shakers in the political world more than what they do. Couldn't be happier that where we left the show she is the President. 

Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope is possibly the most inspirational character in TV history. A strong willed woman, that only wants to use her powers for good. She just wants to help people. This year did not disappoint. What I liked about this season, especially towards the end, was that she finally is looking out for herself and now we got a glimpse into what her future with Ben will be like. With the small jump into the future in the last 5 minutes of the finale this show could go anywhere now, and I for one am very excited.

Playing House
This show came out of nowhere, I didn't even hear about it until a few episodes in. It is my favourite kind of comedy - plenty of laughs mixed with a few tears. It has touching moments a plenty with full on belly laughs. It is purely a show showing the power of friendship, a friendship so huge that they are sharing a life together. Plus it has Valerie from 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' in it, so it's nice to know she is still working.

Big Brother Canada
I am a reality show junkie, so of course I watch other countries versions of Big Brother. This years Canadian version was so good, full of game players, shady folk and good people. Heather, Ika, Neda and John were my favourite players, they each played the game right, often the victim of cliques but still prevailed with their dignity in tact.

Other hits
Brooklyn 99
Saturday Night Live
Ink Master
Project Runway: Under the Gunn
New Girl
The Mindy Project
2 Broke Girls
Baby Daddy
Modern Family

I have watched every episode, until this season. For me it has lost its magic. Maybe I have grown up or maybe it just isn't the shame anymore. A show that started out with taboo subjects, great musical performances and heart wrenching characters has now just turned into an even more unbelievable show. I get that shows aren't always realistic as they need to entertain but I just feel Rachel's storyline too far fetched - to the point where I just didn't care anymore. All I do now is watch the YouTube music videos. I actually have no clue what happened in the second half of the season.

Grey's Anatomy
Another show I gave up on, I lost interest. This show is famous for its key scenes and amazing storylines yet this year I didn't find any. It came to a point where I put them on for background noise, and then that eventually stopped. Then they let Sandra Oh leave?! She was the saving grace of this show that may have peaked 3 years ago.

The Vampire Diaries
 For me, every show that starts in High School but lasts longer than High School generally loses its appeal and magic (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Saved By The Bell, Sister Sister, The OC, Gossip Girl, Glee for example). The storylines take a huge leap into adulthood and suddenly these characters are grown. I got lost in this show if I am honest. There was influx of new characters and new situations that I seriously didn't know what was happening. Plus I was so tired of all this doppelganger nonsense. I did however watch the final just to see how it wrapped. I had no idea what happened. Someone may need to hold my hand and talk me through it.

The Big Bang Theory
First things first, I love this show and it will always have a place in my heart. The only reason this made the loser list is because I wanted more from season 7. We have known these characters for 7 years now and yet there has been no development. They are still pretty much the same from season 1 except Raj can now talk to women. A few issues I had were -
  • Penny and Leonard are now engaged yet nothing has changed
  • Sheldon and Amy have made no progress, would a woman like Amy wait this long?
  • Raj is still an insecure mess even though at one point he was dating two women at the same time.
  • Sheldon is still living as if he is single - quitting his job and then leaving home (again, why would Amy put up with this)
  • Nothing really happened with Howard and Bernadette - they were just there or mainly occupying the B story of each episode. 
I still laughed at each episode and some favourite moments from the series occurred, but as a loyal fan I just wanted more. Some episodes felt lazy and just filler.

Orphan Black
I couldn't have sang the praises of the first season enough, it was new, exciting and a story that has never been told. The acting was superb and everything was on a level that it seemed believable. Then season 2 started, I was lost from the get go. There was a lot going on and I couldn't keep up. It is a show where you have to pay attention to everything, from the foreground to the background it feels, blink and you miss an integral part of the story. I was watching episodes and then had to read a review to know what I just watched. A couple of episodes in and I gave up, it was too much work.

Other misses
Sleepy Hollow
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
The Crazy Ones
The Walking Dead

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