Thursday 5 June 2014

All Together Now

I have a very strong belief that I stand by through think and thin - every song in the entire catalogue of music can be improved by adding a choir. Jesus, I love a choir. There is just something about a large group of people singing in unison that gets me, I get chills. The power that radiates and the emotion that builds is like nothing else. Of course choirs are most famous for singing religious songs, I however am not religious - but I will listen to them for hours if I could. Imagine my delight when choirs are featured in films, even more so when it involves a choir competition! So, as I do, I have wrote a short list of some of my favourite choir moments from film. Sit back, enjoy and rejoice in the magic of the choir.

Sister Act 2 - Joyful Joyful
This may have been my first foray into my love of choir music. I was in a choir during Primary School and a little bit of High School but we never did this. Lauryn Hill is everything! Plus its worth a watch just for the amazing 90's fashion.

Joyful Noise - Take Me Higher

I will hold my hands up, I haven't watched this movie. However I did YouTube all the performances because my love for Dolly Parton has no boundaries. Love the fact they have taken Chris Brown songs and made them gospel. Dolly breaking into 'Forever' knocked me metaphorically off my seat.

Fighting Temptations - He Still Loves Me

This whole song and arrangement is just beautiful. It doesn't throw the message down your throat and it doesn't do anything crazy - a nice song to sway to, with one hand in the air with your eyes closed. Plus it has Beyonce - enough said.

Pitch Perfect - Bella's Finale Song

What an amazing movie this is, it has everything I require. A choir competition, sarcasm and touching moments - turn it into a horror of some sorts and it could be a perfect film. I love all the performances but it has to be the finale that knocks the ball out of the park. Who knew Anna Kendrick had such an amazing voice - they should have let her sing in Twilight.

Romeo and Juliet - Everybody's Free

In a film filled to the brim with amazing moments, this one stuck out to me. This boy's voice is so magical, it leaves me gobsmacked. Every time I watch this scene it strikes me and leaves me speechless. If you don't want to watch the entire film skip to 53 minutes to witness the beauty. 

Notable Mentions
Sister Act 2 - Oh Happy Days
Pitch Perfect - Riff Off
A Walk to Remember - Choir Scene
Joyful Noise - Man in the Mirror
The Colour Purple - God is Trying to Tell You Something
Across The Universe - Let It Be

1 comment:

  1. I love a bit of Sister Act. Sister Mary Clarence in the first movie... bliss!
