Monday 16 September 2013

TV Binging - A Serious Condition

I am not well. It started slowly and then developed in to this big thing that has completely taken over my life. I am of course talking about my TV binging. I will lose hours of conciousness at a time, I lose all concept of time and the most common thought in my head is 'Just one more'. It is a sickness, I will happily make no plans for days at a time knowing that I have an entire series of a television show to watch. I won't even eat for hours - as long as I have a can of coke, some cigarettes and my Netflix account details, I might aswell be dead to the world when I am in one of my sessions.

The thing is is that I am not even mad at myself for allowing it to happen. These people at these TV networks are creating art, and who am I to not acknowledge it? I am constantly learning life lessons without having to experience them - for a lazy person such as myself it works pretty well. Netflix has fast become my best friend; they are always recommending new things for me and they are always right. I discovered 'It's Always Funny In Philadelphia' and 'Criminal Minds' through their recommendations. American shows are the best things to binge watch as their seasons are around 22-24 episodes long so you know you got something for a while, its not like a British show where you get 6 episodes and that's your lot. Comedy is probably my favourite thing to binge, quickly followed by drama's and a bit of sci-fi. A new type I am starting to binge are American reality shows - I'm talking about Big Brother and The Amazing Race (I freaking love them).

So right now I am not looking for a cure, I am content. I know for a fact when I go back to Uni and civilisation in a week that I will miss my laptop more than anything. Unfortunately I can watch as much Project Runway as I want, but it won't get me a degree.

My Top Picks for Binge Watching
Orange is the New Black
Always Funny in Philadelphia
Orphan Black
Parks and Recreation
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
30 Rock
The Big Bang Theory
American Horror Story
Arrested Development
Criminal Minds
Pretty Little Liars
Grey's Anatomy
Game Of Thrones
Modern Family
Gossip Girl
The Vampire Diaries
True Blood
New Girl

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