Monday 28 July 2014

I Love Me

My last post may have sounded a tad self-negative. It's just that insecurities can control me sometimes. However, on the other hand there are things that I am not so negative about, we all have things about ourselves that we are happy with. I know a lot of people that are unhappy with themselves and they will point out all their flaws in front of me and I just want to shake them and tell them to snap out of it. I see perfection in all my family and friends and it annoys the crap out of me when they can't see it.

There is beauty in everyone, it can physical beauty (the lucky bastards) or it can be inner beauty. I know we are all told that it is inner beauty that counts by our mothers but I think that it is true. I may be biased as I am lacking in the outer beauty department - I think God looked the other way when I was created. However some of the most beautiful people to me are the ones that show it in their actions or personality. Anyone who shines from the inside has this aura about them that I respond to, I think I can read a person pretty well and I have surrounded myself by the most beautiful, kind, thoughtful people on this green earth.

It breaks my heart when my friends point out their flaws because if I thought for one second that they hated something about themselves I have a million counter arguments. Some of my friends and family may suffer from issues like depression or anxiety and they may get down on themselves a lot of the time but I want them to know that they are beautiful to me, the way they deal with things when it can be struggle is a pure example of a beautiful person. I love you if you are reading this. I hope one day you can love yourself.

Yes, we all want to be better looking and want the perfect appearance that has been shoved down our throat by society or our own demons but you don't need to. You are you, accept it because if I know you than I know for sure you don't have to change. Don't change for anyone, not even your own insecurities. You have been moulded by your experiences, your choices, your lack of your choices and they equal a complete person. Do not chase people, work hard and be you. The sad fact is that not everyone is going to love you in this world and this is ok, it is more important to love yourself before anyone else.

Colbie Caillet, Beyonce, Meghan Trainor and John Legend have just all released songs about self love that I think all self doubters should hear. I will post them below. Anyone who is down on themselves please take this in - Love yourself, without your flaws you wouldn't be you. And I love you.


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