Wednesday, 31 December 2014
2015 - A New Me (A Cliché)
HAPPY NEW YEAR folks! It has slowly crept up on us and then smacked us in the face, 2014 is over and we have to welcome a new year in to our lives. I personally haven't gotten used to writing 2014 as a date and now I have to change that. I feel after school the years don't matter as much, its just another year - not a whole lot changes from December 31st to January 1st.
2014 wasn't a particularly big year in my life, yeah I finished university but that was kind of it. I tried dipping my toes in a career but it didn't work out. I am not bitter about, it is what it is. I floated through 2014 if I am honest. I had no direction and just took things as they came. I am someone that doesn't plan anything, plans scare me - I don't like been tied to anything, and I feel having a plan is way too structured.
However as cliché as it sounds I am going to make a change. People may scoff at others that take a new year as a chance to change things, but for me I think its a great starting point. It's a perfect day to sit and reflect and give yourself the little jump off that you need. Figure out what went wrong (or right) and make the next choices relevant for you. I don't want to call them resolutions because knowing me I will probably fail, but I am making decisions about my life and what better day then January 1st to initialise them.
It has always been a dream of mine to be vegetarian, I feel like I have the mind of a vegetarian but the stomach of a cave man. I love meat - chicken, lamb, fish give me all of it. Its delicious. However I am an animal lover at heart and I have read and seen too many things about animal treatment that it guilts me. One day I plan on going the whole hog and becoming vegan, but baby steps. Also another diet change that isn't just a choice but very much required is a lot less sugar. I am a diabetic and I eat and drink sugary things like I am Augustus Gloop.
I might start doing it.
I never save money, if the money is in the bank it isn't there for long. I need to start putting some away for a rainy day. When you can buy a new outfit or book on the toilet it is hard. For some reason I am one of those people that buy things not to use them for their intent or purpose, but for the pure fact I want to own it. I have clothes and books that haven't seen daylight - I just want to own them. So I think now I am going to put a small percentage away.
I haven't seen past these shores for 8 years and it kills me. I am nostalgic of places I have never seen. I want to see things in real life instead of through a screen. My plan is to at least get out of this country twice this year. One of my plans have fell through but I am not going to let it stop me. Bon voyage.
First of all I want to decide which career I want. Then aim for it. I walk aimlessly through life and wonder why I didn't get anywhere. I love to write in all different formats so maybe look in to that. I have fashion experience so maybe look in to that. I love all forms of media so maybe look in to that.
Other things I want to do is reconnect with old friends, read more books (that are currently gathering dust under my bed), expand my movie knowledge and lose a shit tonne of weight. So, good luck to all my fellow life changers. Lets do this and ignore all the haters and doubters. So what if we fail, who gives a fuck.
Monday, 1 December 2014
R.E.S.P.E.C.T - Find out what it means to Me
One thing that is very important to me is respect. We all have the ability to give it and we should all strive to receive it. However, lately I have been struggling with respect a lot.
I constantly try my best at what I do, wether it be a friend, an employee or a member of a family but I am struggling. I often feel like I am not respected. I don't know if it is something I am doing wrong. I don't feel like I am doing anything wrong, I kind of feel that I am not appreciated because I don't stand out or I haven't changed my ways in a long time, people have gotten complacent with me.
I feel like I am quite a respectful person. I listen to everyone, I do as I am told and I try my best not to hurt anyone. I think that is just the basics of been a good human being. Sometimes though I just feel like if I wasn't there (wherever 'there' may be) it wouldn't make much of a difference. I am like a supporting character in a sitcom. I could be taken out and nothing would change. My problem comes from the fact that I like to shine, I like being the centre of attention. As big headed as that may sound, just ask yourself - don't you like attention for all the good things you do?
I don't want the sun to shine out of my arse, I don't want constant praise but it would be nice to get some reassurance sometimes. Just to be told that I am a good friend, or that I did a good job. I am rereading what I just wrote and I know I am coming across a bit moany, but it is something that has been weighing on my mind recently. I have noticed a lot lately that sometimes when I speak it isn't even acknowledged. I will be the only one saying something or asking something and there will be no reply - as if it was dead silence when I opened my mouth. I am just a normal person that likes to be heard and someone who likes to be re-assured when they do something well and given constructive criticism when I am not.
I suffer a lot with self confidence, if you know me you may be giving me the side eye right now as I can come across as a bit loud, sarcastic sometimes - but it is an act. I have been doing it my whole life because it comes easy to me. It is easier for me to be the joke then it is for me strive to be something that I am not. So this is where respect becomes a must for me, I want to be respected for what I do, so maybe I don't have to be so loud and annoying.
I had a job recently, and it was my review. There was not one comment about the work I did - instead I was pulled apart for my appearance and personality. And it wasn't work based opinions, it was her personal opinion. Where was the respect in that? She wasn't giving me anything constructive, just plain telling me everything she didn't like about me. That was a few months ago and it has stuck with me, like I said before I don't want people bowing down and kissing my arse, I just would like to be acknowledged and respected. You don't have to like me, but you will respect me.
Monday, 17 November 2014
My Own Personal Top 10
What I am about to do is highly personal, some may say too personal. It is going to reveal a part of me that us, as a society, often don't want to show of ourselves. It is 'My Top 10 Most Played Songs'. You may be pulling a face that reads 'who cares', but let me ask you this, are you willing to share the songs that you and only you listen to over and over again? The music that you blast through those two little ear buds, secure in the knowledge no one else can hear and in the comfort of knowing that your own personal soundtrack is following you through life. We all have those guilty pleasures that we don't feel the need to tell people, but today I am taking a stand and breaking the boundaries that we have put ourselves behind. I am revealing my Top 10.
1. The Veronicas - You Ruin Me (Played 213 times)
This is the brand spanking new song from the aussie twins. I love it and when I love something I love it hard - playing it over 200 times in a matter of weeks. It is a heartbreaking song about been betrayed by the one you love. I melt for a depressing song.
2. Carrie Underwood - Something in the Water (Played 190 times)
Country? Check. Gospel? Check. A choir? Check. Carrie's flawless vocals? Double check. I don't expect anything less than perfection from this county bumpkin. This song could quite possibly be my new miming-like-I-can-belt-a-song-out song. A song about finding God, not usually a topic for my music but this song hit me. Praise Jesus.
3. Glee Cast - How Will I Know (Played 154 times)
Yes, judge away - I like the music of Glee. This one is special as it was sung completely acapella in a tribute episode to the late, great Whitney Houston. Amazingly showcased the vocals of the four stars of the show. It is one of those special songs that I just really enjoy hearing.
4. Pistol Annies - Unhappily Married (Played 150 times)
I do enjoy a depressing song, but maybe just maybe I think I love an angry song even more. There is something about hearing bitterness and insults through music that just gets to me. This songs talks from the viewpoint of an unsatisfied wife, it is funny, witty and serious all in one.
5. Jessica Bassett - Lydia (Played 146 times)
I was shocked myself when I saw how many times I had played this song. I first heard it on an American Idol audition - I don't even watch the show! For some reason I clicked on this audition. At first I thought it was just the music they play over the auditionee when they are talking - turned out it was the audition. Her voice is so soothing and the song is a beautiful letter to her best friend.
6. Pistol Annies - I Feel a Sin coming on (Played 145 times)
These country cuties made the list again. This is the first song off their second album. Miranda Lambert opens the song with her flawless voice. Its a slow tempo song, mainly just finger clicking for the music. I can't tell you why I love it because I don't know. I just do goddamnit.
7. Colbie Caillat - Breakeven (Played 140 times)
This is the beautiful Colbie doing a cover of The Script's 'Breakeven'. And I am sorry to the Irish lads but I love this version so much more! A song about heartbreak after a break up. She mixes it with 'Fast Car' by Tracey Chapman just to knock the nail on the head. If I had to audition for a talent show (and could sing) this would be my choice.
8. Glee Cast - Season's Of Love (Played 139 times)
Another Glee song. I don't care. This was the opening song on the episode where we discovered Finn had died. Cried like a baby from the first second. Taken from the musical Rent and given the Glee treatment, with Amber Riley's perfect vocals it just sent shivers down my spine. It's so beautifully sad, made even worse by the fact that this cast was saying goodbye to an actual cast mate.
9. Beyonce - Heaven (Played 136 times)
Quite possibly one of the saddest songs in existence. I don't think we have ever had a confirmed explanation for this song - but I don't think we need one. That's the magic of music, we make our own stories to fit the songs. This a truly heartbreaking song about loss. I like sad music, so this is one of my go-to songs.
10. OneRepublic - Preacher (Played 132 times)
Another choir! God, I love them. I have a theory that I may have expressed before - every song sounds better with a choir. I fell in love with this song the second I heard it, so I never stopped listening to it. The whole album is amazing, but this is the jewel in the crown for me.
So this list was quite revealing in a couple of ways. It definitely revealed me as lover of depressing and angsty songs. I don't know what the pull is there but I truly enjoy them more than any other type of song. Also the numbers were quite a lot higher than I imagined they would be, I may need to venture out in to new music, getting stuck in my ways. I am willing to take suggestions.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Stop Plastic Surgery Shaming!
So Renée Zellweger has made all the headlines today as she was photographed looking slightly different than the Bridget Jones we have come to know and love (I still laugh out loud every time at that point in the film when she is in the hotel foyer after her head scarf flew off in the open top car). Yes, her face did look different, but who cares? Apparently everyone should care, magazine and blogs have had professional plastic surgeons commenting on what she could have had done, before and after pictures flood my Facebook wall and Twitter feed and even some news channels have picked up the story. However, I ask you 'Why do you care?'. I mean who is she hurting, how will this affect anyone's life and what the hell does it have to do with you?
For years and years we have picked apart anyone who has dared to go under the knife to improve their appearance, whether it to fight the signs of ageing or to change the shape and size of certain features. In my own opinion I have always thought that if it's your body then do what the hell you want with it. We all have things that we would change about ourselves, go ahead and ask even the most secure friend on your contact list and I bet my life savings that they would change something. We live in a world where everything still isn't enough. We all want more than what we have, not selfishly - it's human nature.
I for one stand up and applaud anyone that had the balls to go and change something about themselves that they weren't happy with. If I had unlimited funds I would literally have a never ending list of surgeries I require, I am only 26 and that list will multiply with every birthday. Yet we can't understand when someone in the public eye does something about their insecurities. Heidi Montag (of The Hills fame) famously had multiple surgeries in one day to fix everything she wasn't happy with, and all we did was laugh, scoff and insult. You really think she needed to hear that? Some of those surgeries are irreversible, she is stuck with them - but we didn't care, instead we chose to mock. I thought she was beautiful before and beautiful after, she didn't lose any Heidi - she just changed her appearance.
We all do little things everyday to change our appearance before we step out the door, whether it be straighten our hair, add a bit of make-up, tan our skin, whiten our teeth, put on a push-up bra - the list is endless. Yet we scorn people that make permanent fixes. I don't care if people go on to make money from their surgeries, more power to them. Launch a modelling career with your new boobs - I don't care. All that matters is that that person is happy.
Renée Zellweger had the perfect response to anyone chatting shit about her new look (not that she had to say anything at all):
"Perhaps I look different. Who doesn't as they get older?! But I am different. I'm happy."
Sunday, 19 October 2014
My argument for why Olivia Pope is quite possibly the best Leading Lady of all time.
I often unashamedly admit my love for the leading lady too many times. I just have such an affection for women who lead a show, who are the matriarchs of their own world. These women can be lawyers, mothers, teachers, TV executives, deputy directors of Park and Recreation, doctors, nurses; they can be anything they want and still be the most powerful person, the most dramatic person, the strongest person, the most vulnerable person.
Shows that feature a female lead have multiplied over the last decade, in fact for the first time ever the biggest night on American TV (Thursday) on one of the biggest networks (ABC) there are 3 shows all dedicated to the lives of women. We should take a moment to bow our heads to the Queen that is Shonda Rhimes who wrote all 3 of them (Scandal, Grey's Anatomy and How to Get Away With Murder).
However I am not here to talk about all the leading ladies in my life, I am here to talk about one in particular - Olivia Pope. Played by the beautiful, talented Kerry Washington. I will stand up and say that she is the most well written female characters of all time. Olivia is what is known as a 'Fixer', she takes on people's problems and makes them go away, although these aren't any small problems - we are talking about world wide scale political scandals. She puts her neck on the line every time she takes on a client, she saves lives and reputations. However she isn't one without her own scandal - she did have an affair with the President of the United States for quite some time. We can't be mad at her for this though, at the end of the day she is still human - she has needs just like the rest of us.
What I love the most about Olivia is her humanity, yes she fixes problems for some of the worst people in politics but she doesn't do it without letting them know exactly how she feels. No one gets away scot free. She will show her disgust if she is disgusted, but she will show her sympathy if she feels for the person. She has one of the most level heads in the game, she sees what people see and what people want to see. My favourite moments of hers is when she breaks, when she shows her emotions and she shows just when it gets too much. She maybe be a hero to a lot of people but she isn't super by any means. Her weaknesses are her family, her love affairs and her fellow Gladiators.
She can be forgiven for having weaknesses, for instance she must come from one of the most disturbed, fucked up TV families of all time. Her father is the commander of a secret government division that doesn't exactly follow the law, and her mother? Well, she is cold blooded killer. It's amazing Olivia came out so strong at all. Her Gladiators (co-workers) are a weakness to her because they have become her family now, they are the people she leans on and the ones she wants to help. Her relationship with Huck pulls at my heartstrings everytime. She takes broken people and builds them up again, and the love she develops can only be compared to that of a family. Then there is her other weakness - love. She is in love with the married President of the USA. They had their affair and it ended (or has it?!) They both need each other and they can't walk away.
I made quite a bold statement to say she is one of the most well written female characters of all time, but I will stand by it unless something goes dramatically bad. She breaks all the stereotypes, she creates a new president.
A scene from the last episode - the acting ability and strength of character floored me
Olivia and Huck
And please just for a second can we applaud the amazing costume designers of the show
Monday, 13 October 2014
The Craigy's 2014

I have limited each category to 7 nominees each, this was tough as I feel I may have missed a few, but I am not as flawless - so take your drama outside.
Congratulations to all the winners.
adore delano,
american horror story,
brooklyn nine-nine,
jim parsons,
julia louis-dreyfus,
nicole richie,
olivia pope,
the big bang theory,
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
All I Have To Do Is Dream
I have a real love/hate relationship with dreams.
I can have the best dreams, the ones that make you wake up with a smile on your face, the ones that make you think about things. My mind can wander at the best of times, so when it is given full reign of my thoughts it just takes off. I have found myself in zombie attacks, hostage situations, Hollywood parties, TV shows (been a cast member of Keeping up with the Kardashians was a particular favourite) and so many more scenarios. I also have the dreams which show my normal life back to me with some highlights, I like these. I have the worst memory so its nice to see them played back in HD - it's like Emma Willis is showing me my 'best moments' after I left the Big Bro house.
Then there are the horrid ones, and I'm not actually talking about nightmares. I absolutely hate the dreams that show what you can't have. It makes sense you dream about them because at the late point in the night when it's just you and your thoughts left, it is what you think about (unless you are content in life I guess). For example I thought I was over a crush I had, then I had the dream - damn, kick in your crotch, spit on your neck fantastic. Dreams really do affect your day don't they? You can't stop thinking about them. You have those realisation moments where you realise it was just that - a dream.
Dreams are a magical thing, if I start to think too much about them my face looks as puzzled as it did when I tried watching Game of Thrones for the first time. Like, how does the mind work? How are we able to think in our sleep when technically we are recharging? I am sure there is a medical/scientific reason behind it all but for right now I am going to go with the magic theory I have. I love a good dream, its a movie that only I get to see. I just wish you could pick which type you could get, like the Netflix homepage - pick which genre I fancy that night, because I tell ya I don't want any dreams like I had the other night about the crush - put me in a mood for at least 17 hours.
'Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you' - Marsha Norman
big brother,
emma willis,
game of thrones,
the smiths,
Sunday, 21 September 2014
I Love The Veronicas
It is very rare for a band to come out and for me to fall for them, sure I will love a song or even love an album - but with this band I love them. Everything they do. It isn't even biased, I genuinely love everything they have put out. Step forward The Veronicas.
I just did a quick wiki search on the girls and it kind of shocked me - I have been a fan of their's for 9 years. NINE YEARS! I fell for them the second I heard '4ever'. There was these twins rocking out and driving their Mini Cooper around, taking polaroids and having fun. I was hooked, had to know everything about them (when I join a fandom, I join a fandom hard). I got their CD imported from Australia and never looked back. This band has everything I look for - they are fun, yet deep, they are happy, yet emotional. They write all their own stuff, play instruments and know how to put on a show. Plus for some strange reason (maybe because I am a twin) I love that they are twins, I love seeing twins work together and be successful.
As a Veronica fan there has been quite a lull in my life, they disappeared for 5 years. The music just stopped, they were on top and they went away. Their single 'Untouched' was a smash the world over (top 10 in the Uk and top 20 in the US) and then we heard nothing. We kept getting promises of new material but that never happened. Last year they graced us with a one off single which they only released in Australia and then they bowed out again leaving us wanting more. I have heard there was issues with the record company so all can be forgiven.
Now as I type though they are officially back!!! They have a killer new song called 'You Ruin Me'. It is a beautiful haunting ballad that you can tell comes from the heart of these beautiful brunet aussies. Really showcases their talents as singers and song writers. It makes you stop in your tracks and listen. And we also have news of a new album, simply called 'The Veronicas'. I seriously can't wait. I can't wait for them to come back to the UK for a tour, I can't wait for new music, new music videos, more performances, more everything.
I love you Jess and Lisa and I cannot wait.
Buy their new single here - The Veronicas - You Ruin Me
the veronicas,
this love,
your ruin me
Thursday, 11 September 2014
10 Ways To Get Over A Crush
After my time on this planet I have learnt a few things. One of them been how to get over a crush. I find it a very good skill to have as I have fallen victim to the crush monster one or two (hundred) times. Some have been major and life consuming, and some have been a bit meh. A crush is a weird thing, its a pain that you don't mind having so much, you suffer but sometimes it is nice to know that you have this emotion. You have the ability to like someone on such a level that you convince yourself that you are ready for a commitment, and you are ready for someone to know every nook and cranny of you. So after all these times and occasions I have formed a short list of things you can do to get over a crush - lets go.
1. Tell your friends your emotions. Sharing is caring in this case. It may be hard to admit this truth because it can be very revealing of you, but I can guarantee that your friend will make you feel better - because they will no doubt tell you how good you are and awful your crush is. Winner.
2. Cry. Let it out and let it go. Crying is a great thing, its like you get to flush everything out in one big go - a colonic for the soul if you will.
3. Go outside. A distraction can do you the world of good. Go do something different and meet different people, you never know you may meet your next crush - or lover if you're lucky.
4. Look at yourself. You aren't a bad person but you can take this time to re-evaluate yourself. Why didn't your crush like you? Time for a bit of tough love. This could do you a lot of good though, improve yourself on the outside and feel better on the inside.
5. Watch a romantic movie. This could sound like torture, but it doesn't have to be. In a lot of romantic films you see a lot of ups and downs in a person's love life - now place yourself in the movie, you are only half way through you're story. Your happy ending hasn't happened yet, but if Julia Roberts/Sandra Bullock/Jennifer Aniston/Reese Witherspoon/Katherine Heigl have taught me anything, it's coming.
6. Listen to sad music. Personally I find depressing music the best type of music, and in times when having to get over crushes it can become a crutch. It is nice to know that someone has been going through the same thing - and they put it to a nice melody and make it rhyme. Plus getting to mime your pain in a mirror whilst imagining you're Taylor Swift never hurt anyone.
7. Find their flaws. This might sound cruel, but for so long you have been focused on their best features. It can be therapeutic to notice the things about them that ain't so pretty.
8. Out of sight, out of mind. If it is too bad a reminder of what you don't have every time you see them, then get away. Step aside, leave the room, get on a bus. It isn't going to do your confidence any good when you have to remind yourself that you don't have what you want.
9. Be aware of a relapse. Getting over a crush can take a long long time, it is hard work and sometimes you may find that you slip. You catch a glimpse and you just melt, they say hello and you want to grab them or their name pops up on your phone and a smile comes across your face that rivals the cheshire cat. This is okay. We aren't perfect.
10. Admit defeat. Maybe they are with someone else or a thousand miles away, it is time for you to move on, wipe the tear off your face, shake your hair in to messy yet stylish style and walk on with the pride of Beyonce. However don't confuse this defeat with failure. The fact that you aren't with the person you want has nothing to do with your own self worth. Some things are beyond your control.
I hope these 10 steps help someone, a crush can be soul destroying and really knock your self confidence - but they don't have to. Letting go and moving on is a process, it won't happen over night and you will relapse - this isn't failure, this is all part of it. So go on and go forth, don't let your crush end you. There is someone out there that will crush on you.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
I Hate Having Morals
I have found myself caught in a bit of a moral conundrum. I won't go into details because I haven't decided what to do yet. I could end up really upsetting someone close to me, a really great friend. On the other hand I could make myself happy. I could get something I want but it could result in losing a friend - and to be honest I am conflicted.
The person I would be upsetting already has a lot anyway, they seem to be happy in their life - and me stepping out of it probably wouldn't affect them that much. This is probably a selfish thought of mine trying to justify an action I could possibly take. See what I mean though? I seriously don't know what to do. I have always had a strong philosophy of making yourself happy before anyone else. This doesn't mean that I ever want to be happy at the expense of someone else's happiness. I don't want to take away happiness.
I would consider myself a good person, this isn't me being big headed. I have a huge conscience, too much for a person I believe. I am the type of person that sprays fly spray at a fly and still secretly hope they get through it and fly away. The thought that I have inflicted pain on anyone kills me. I have huge guilt, even sometimes guilt by association. So to do something bad by choice would probably really upset me. So is it worth it? On the other side of the moral scale I could get something I have wanted for a while, achieve something that people never believe I could. I could experience a different type of happiness that I haven't before.
I am not the one that starts drama. Do I love watching drama unfold? Yes. Do I love hearing about drama? Yes. Do I love being what the drama is about? Not in a million years. I want to be the type of friend that is trustworthy and caring. I want people to come to me with their problems, not be the reason that person has problems.
I think I may have answered my own problem whilst writing this post. Having to think about it and put it into words has probably made me realise what is best. I don't ever want to upset anyone and more than anything I don't want someone to hate me. As much as I want to make myself happy; I couldn't bare been the one that makes someone else unhappy. I guess I'll just wait for my turn.
Morals are a tricky thing, they are like finger prints - we all have different ones. I like to think I stand by mine which is making this choice hard. I want to go against them so bad just to see if something good could come from it. You may be thinking I should talk to the friend about it and see what they say - they might be okay with it. Knowing this person as well as I do I can categorically say they won't be happy about it, it could possibly ruin one of the best friendships I have ever had. I love this person like a sibling. I think I know what I should do. It just sucks. Fucking morals.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Judging You
There are only a few reasons that we watch reality TV competitions. One being the talent, but lets face facts - we want to see someone get ripped apart by a mean judge. Yes, they are giving them a reality check and will thank them in the long run, but my days does it make good television. And we Brits do it best, just look at countless reality shows around the world and you will find a mean Brit on them. The X Factor has just reared its ugly head again here in the UK and with wide open arms we have welcomed Simon back, he is the man you want to destroy your hopes and dreams. I watch a lot of reality TV competitions from singing to modelling to cooking to SFX make up to tattoos. I have picked my favourite 10 that I feel every judge around the world should aspire to be.
Mary Berry - Great British Bake Off
With her signature phrases like 'soggy bottom' to her killer Zara bomber jackets she is the baking Queen. She is loveable and adorable but isn't afraid to pull a face and tell someone when their cake is too dense. She is everything I hope to be when I am a 79 year old woman.
Jessie J - The Voice UK
She will say until she is blue in the face that she is a mentor not a judge, however that big red button says different, she is judging someone's singing, but whatever I digress. What I love about her is honesty and her knowledge, this girl knows a thing or two about singing and she isn't afraid to let you know.
Mel B - The X Factor (UK and Australia) and America's Got Talent
As a life long Spice Girl's fan I am more than happy to still see Scary on my screen. She is a veteran of the music world so who better to judge up and comers. She is brutally honest to the point where she disregards people's feelings (they need to hear it). Also lets be honest with ourselves she is shitting all over Cheryl in this years X Factor.Jay Alexander - America's Next Top Model
Why he was ever let go from this show I will never know or begin to understand. Thank the heavens above he is back for Cycle 21. He is the definition of fabulous and has legs that a show pony would kill for. He makes me laugh more than most and I live for his fashion and quips.
Kelly Cutrone - America's Next Top Model
Fist seen as the boss you don't want to mess with on The Hills she was quickly snapped up by Tyra to join ANTM. She was the perfect choice. Honest isn't the word for how she speaks, she has no time for people who aren't right for the job or willing to work. She made me laugh from the first episode this cycle, when asked if she was ready by Tyra she turned around and said 'I'm ready to crush some dreams' - bow down bitches.
Dannii Minogue - The X Factor (UK and Australia), Australia's Got Talent and Britain's Next Top Model
When she was revealed as a judge there were a lot of 'Why?', but she soon shut the doubters up. She is warm, loveable and bursting with personality. She is very honest and very loyal to who she supports. I fell in love with her, and if I had to pick my dream judging panel she would be rubbing shoulders with Simon again in a heartbeat.
Tyra Banks - America's Next Top Model
This show gets weirder and weirder by the cycle, but the constant that keeps this show brilliant is Miss Tyra Banks. She cares, gives great advice and isn't afraid to scream at a girl who won't shut up. It would be hard to top her yelling at Tiffany at judging to top any talent show moment for me.
Simon Cowell - The X Factor (UK and US), Pop Idol and Britain's Got Talent
Not the original but definitely the best. He is the approval I will be searching for for my entire life, even if he enjoyed a coffee I made for him I could die a happy man. I have the weirdest crush on him, his power, confidence and well pressed white shirts just do something to me.
Nicole Sherzinger - The X Factor (UK and US)
I love this woman and hate her for the exact same reasons. She is gorgeous, talented and has a loveable personality to boot - she is everything I aspire to be. When she was brought in to replace Cheryl as a judge on The X Factor US some of us may have been sceptical, however she was the perfect replacement. Love her.
Heidi Klum - Project Runway, Germany's Next Top Model and America's Got Talent
This German beauty has become the opinion on all types of talent and skill. She comes from a view of a normal person, she isn't pretending she knows the ins and outs of everything she is just giving her honest opinion and reaction - she is the model face and body of the view of the general viewing public really. Plus I love her accent, I want a kiss on the cheek with an 'Auf Wiedersehen'.
americas next top model,
dannii minogue,
heidi klum,
jay alexander,
jessie j,
kelly cutrone,
mary berry,
mel b,
nicole sherzinger,
simon cowell,
the voice,
the x factor,
tyra banks
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
The Saturdays - My Finest Selection
Incase you haven't read my blog before I should let you in on something - I have a huge love for girlbands. There is something so amazing when a group of girls/women get together, belt out a tune, maybe pop a few moves and in some cases wear cohesive outfits. Arguably the biggest girlband in England today is The Saturdays. Una, Rochelle, Frankie, Mollie and Vanessa have been constant fixtures on the UK Top 40 for the last 6 years. Over this time they have amassed 19 top 40 singles, 5 top 10 albums and had 4 sellout tours. The Saturdays definitely have their own sound, there is no denying it is them when you hear one of their tunes, they are fun, exciting and gorgeous. So as I do I have created a short list as a favour from me to you of my top 10 favourite The Saturdays songs - lets go -
10. Missing You (Headlines!, 2010)
This was the first single released from their 3rd album, Headlines! A slower song then what we are used to but pushed along by the amazing vocals of Vanessa belting out those top notes and ad libs. It reached number 3.
9. Work (Chasing Lights, 2009)
The final release from their debut album, and in my opinion a seriously overlooked song. It is one of their worst performing songs only peaking at 22. This song gave Mollie a chance to shine as she had the first verse. It is such a power song and really was top 10 worthy.
8. Forever Is Over (Wordshaker, 2009)
This was the first single from the EP Wordshaker. After a disappointing chart position with 'Work' this rode high in the charts peaking at number 2. Una for me really dominates this song, her raspiness sells it - love the bridge aswell when they all take a line each. These girls can sing.
7. Issues (Chasing Lights, 2009)
Their first foray in to ballads - and they nailed it. This song spoke to a lot of us who were feeling mistreated and yet couldn't explain our feelings. This song is beautiful and an anthem for a lot of people 'Me and my heart we have issues'. Peaked at number 4.
6. All Fired Up (On Your Radar, 2011)
If there is one thing this group can do it is fill a dance floor. This song is one of many to get people up and knocking heels. A proper fist pumping, miming till you strain your mouth song. You can't help but feel energised when hearing this song, and England liked it aswell - it charted at number 3. Also fashion wise probably one of my favourite videos.
5. Ego (Wordshaker!, 2010)
This song just has so many killer lines that many of us want to shout at that one obnoxious person who needs to be put in their place. Plus the video is hella cool, who doesn't love 5 beautiful girls in superhero spandex? This song charted at number 9 - should have been a number 1 in my eyes.
4. Notorious (On Your Radar, 2011)
If I was a girl (some may argue I already am) this would definitely be my anthem. I would have it as my alarm, my running song, my getting ready song and my first request at the club. 'I'm a outlaw. I'm the big boss. I'm a gangster on the dancefloor. (N-n-notorious) I'm a outlaw. I'm the big boss. I'm a gangster on the dancefloor' I mean what girl doesn't wanna scream this!?
3. What About Us (Living For The Weekend, 2013)
THIER FIRST NUMBER 1!! And it was well passed due! They have had many a killer song but this is the one that got the attention, and I couldn't be more happy for them. It is pure pop perfection. Did it need Sean Paul? No, I don't think it did but I got why - it got the song a lot more heed. Still slays me how Rochelle sings 'suffocating', and if you say you sing it in your own accent then you are lying (fyi Jesus hates liars).
2. Up (Chasing Lights, 2008)
It was their second ever single and I fell in love instantly. I was once even told it was wrote in a genius way as it only uses 4 notes or something - I could be completely wrong but someone did say something (I have no music knowledge). This video still tried to use the whole one colour for each girl thing, and it is extremely cute. A very empowering song for the ladies of the world. Reached number 5.
Unfortunately for some reason YouTube won't let me put this video on the blog - so search for it, and thank me later
1. Here it is, my favourite Saturday's song. It came out in 2010. There are two versions of it, one with Flo Rida and then a better version without Flo Rida. It reached number 10 in the charts, we all agree it should have been number 1!! The video is shot on a fake New York street. It is from the album 'Headlines!'. You know which song I mean, it is of course
Una's voice kills me when she reaches the top note.
I always shout Vanessa's first line 'I'm doing nothing'.
All the girls get a solo line.
They all look gorgeous in the video, styling is on point.
There we have it, my top 10 (arguably the definitive top 10 if you will). The Saturdays have delighted our ears for a few years now and I sincerely hope this isn't the end of them. Sad to say a Greatest Hits album normally signals the beginning of the end. I myself can't wait to go see them live again and shake my ass off. Before I do however I just wanted to give one last shout out to another Saturday's song. It is an unreleased track, but I think it was possibly the best song on their first album. So check it out below, it's called 'Fall'.
finest selection,
girl group,
greatest hits,
the Saturdays,
top 10,
top 40,
what about us
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Robin Williams - A Quick Thank You
Two days ago we lost a great man. I don't know how official the cause of his death is but as I believe it was suicide. Many people will struggle with the thought of how someone who appears to have everything could do this to themselves. In our society we view money, fame and face value as been the epitome of happiness. However these things are all fake. These aren't things that make us who we are, these are just things we have or can get. Robin Williams is proof of this. A man that has made millions of people laugh struggled everyday with depression, he made billions at the box office, sold out stand up show after stand up show and without a doubt will forever remind people of the happier moments of their childhood.
So the point of this post is to thank him. Whatever struggles he may have had in his life, it never stopped him. Yes, he had to work like the rest of us to make a living, but he could have done anything. He chose to give himself to the public as an entertainer. And what a hell of an entertainer he was. He made us laugh and cry for all the right reasons, when he wasn't playing a character he was still entertaining us with interviews and appearances. He will go down as one of the greats whether we remember him as an alien called Mork or a Father who dresses as a woman to see his kids and called himself Mrs Doubtfire. We all have a place in our heart for one his characters. Mr Williams was harmless, he never offended anyone publicly. He just beamed happiness and love.
It is absolutely heartbreaking that he wasn't actually happy. He struggled with an illness that is so hard to understand unless you are suffering or around someone suffering. One thing that people need to know is that depression is not a flaw in character, it is a flaw in chemistry. I find it so hard to get my head around the fact that his only choice was to end it all. He didn't see any other way to escape it. I got very emotional at the idea that someone, anyone could think this way.
Once again thank you. Thank you Mr Williams. We are forever in your debt for the years of entertainment, the childhood memories and for creating an escape for us all when we don't want be distracted by real life anymore. I only wish that you are finally at peace. Also even in your last act you are helping people. You have made a taboo subject a part of conversation all around the world. Maybe just maybe because of you, people will seek help and support.
I am gutted that we only have four movies left of his to experience for the first time. However we will always have the memories. Thank you Robin, I sincerely hope you are now at peace.
mrs doubtfire,
patch adams,
rest in peace,
robin williams,
the crazy ones,
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
My Name is Craig and I am obsessed with Photoshop!
Some people enjoy fishing, working on cars or even horse riding, but not me. We all have our hobbies and we shouldn't be judged for them. My greatest time killer of late is Photoshop. I love it. I like to think of myself of as a creative person but stuff like painting, drawing and watercolours don't attract me - there is no undo button. I am not a perfectionist, I just make a lot of mistakes so an undo is a god send. Also its a lot less messy and a lot less materials are needed.
My favourite things that I like to create are things for promotion. Album covers, advertisements and film posters are my forte. Let me give you a run down of what I have done above.
Fuck Love
Just a little fake movie I created starring Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Aniston (a trio we all know we want to see). Yeah, its out on Valentines Day, don't read too much in to it.
Little Mix - 3
Little Mix have announced they are writing for their 3rd album. So stealing inspiration from the name of Beyonce's 4th album (4), I called it 3. I also went with a more grown up photo shoot and played around with sizes.
Neon Jungle - Welcome to the Jungle Tour
I tried to keep this one looking cool and effortless just like them. Inspired a little by the 'Braveheart' video with the colouring.
Craig Magazine
I haven't created a magazine cover since AS Level Media Studies, so I thought I would have another crack at it. Taking a lot of inspiration from Company Magazine. I just love their aesthetic and there isn't anyone rivalling them in their layout and artwork in my opinion.
Olsen Hair Dye
When I created Craig Magazine I wanted to add some authenticity so I created some advertisements. I chose to use the Olsen twins as I have the biggest love for them, I changed their hair colour and added the tag line 'Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful'. I really like this message as they are twins, but this doesn't mean they have to be the same.Looking for Alaska
I chose to do this movie poster as it is one of my favourite John Green book's. This is also my dream cast for the film, and if you have read the book then you will agree it works.
I created this advertisement for my own little magazine again. I chose quite a simple layout so it is the clothes you look at and not my skills on photoshop.
I have done a lot of work on Photoshop, a lot of it can be seen on the 'My Work' page. Link Here. Also below I will put bigger images of the 7 images above if you want a bigger look.
If you want to see more of work then just look at the images on every post on this blog. I created them all myself aswell.
Monday, 4 August 2014
Neon Jungle - New Love
I have a lot of love for this new girlband. They are fun, feisty and have an amazing style. Their songs range from club anthems, to dup step to heartbreaking ballads. Their album has it all, it would be hard to categorise them. I am literally telling anyone who will listen that they need to hear this album. I was shocked as I was expecting a lot of dub step - boy was I wrong. The selection of songs is like putting your entire iTunes playlist on shuffle - something for everyone. Also they do a couple of covers, random songs you wouldn't expect like Banks' 'Waiting' and Hozier's 'Take me to Church'. They are both exceptional, these aren't just pretty voices, these girls can siing!
However, the main point of this post is that I wanted to showcase something they do which more people need to see. They do a lot of covers of popular songs, they put their own twist on them and they become something else. From Britney to Miley it seems like they can sing anything if given the chance.
So as I do I have created a list, this is a list of my top 5 favourite Neon Jungle covers.
5. Britney Spears - Work Bitch
4. Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop
3. Jessie J Mash Up
2. Lorde - Royals
1. Hozier - Take Me To Church
I really could listen to these beauty's all day. They have a unique style about them, I particularly love Asami's voice, not to put anyone else down, but she is special.
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