Thursday 1 August 2013

When I Grow Up ...

So the other day at a job interview I was asked 'What is your long term plan?' I literally did not have an answer, word vomit happened and I found myself saying 'It used to be that I wanted to be the next Beyonce'. I was mortified, it felt like I was having an out of body experience and I wanted to smack the crap out of myself. There were a few flaws to the Beyonce Plan - not having any measurable talent is probably the main reason it never happened. Without saying its obvious I won't get the job at the supermarket.

Then I got to thinking, why was that a stupid answer? Why not dream big and aim high, if people didn't then we wouldn't have the likes of Beyonce to compare ourselves to. Also it got me thinking - I DON'T HAVE A LONG TERM PLAN! I finish university next year, then what? Should I ask for more hours at the restaurant I work in? This isn't the dream I had when I was a child. Should I bite the bullet and move to the big city and see where life takes me? This seems like the best option, however I don't want to go alone and what if it doesn't work out?

I had a quite a few different dreams as a youngster and I haven't really followed any of them. Here were the pro's and con's of those choices (the con's seemed to win every time)

Teacher (Illustrated by Cameron Diaz in Bad Teacher)
Pro - Summer holidays, I get to inspire people and I pretty much know what kids between 4 and 11 need to know.
Con - I don't like children and I am pretty sure they hate me - I don't have a child friendly face.

Artist (Illustrated by Andy Warhol
Pro - A life of creativity, no one to answer to and I would get to show the world what is inside my head
Con - I am not very creative and I normally hate every thing I do. Also you don't get famous until you die!

Reality TV Star (Illustrated by Kim Kardashian)
Pro - No talent required, do what you want to do and get paid for it.
Con - I am no where near interesting to fill an hour of TV a week.

Actor (Illustrated by Johnny Depp)
Pro - Travel the world and act out people's stories.
Con - I think the only role I would be suitable for is weird looking friend/homeless man

Triple Threat (Illustrated by Zac Efron)
Pro - Get to be in musicals, drama's, dance things and sell records.
Con - I can't act, sing or dance.

Fashion Magazine Editor (Illustrated by Anna Wintour)
Pro - Front row seats to fashions shows and respect in the fashion community
Con - I couldn't sit near Anna or Grace Coddington without hating myself for my appearance and clothes selection.

TV Presenter (Illustrated by Davina McCall)
Pro - Looks like fun and you get to be the face of huge TV shows
Con - I can't always talk correct English in front of a crowd - prone to sweating under pressure aswell. Not cute.

Singer (Illustrated by The Queen Bey)
Pro - Travel the world and sing infront of millions of people who love you.
Con - Only I think I can sing.

Fashion Designer (Illustrated by Vivienne Westwood)
Pro - Get to create beautiful designs and have people buy them.
Con - There is so much more to fashion design - I am studying it, its a turn off.

So those were my options and I kind of scared myself out of all of them. So I am 24 and I don't really know what to do with my life. Its both scary and exciting at the same time. I have literally no responsibilities so I can go anywhere - thing is I don't know where I want to go. Help.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought you should be a stylist. You love fashion enough to immerse yourself in the world but it doesn't mean you necessarily have to DESIGN, you just pick the best stuff from a bunch of other designers and throw it all together. You were always the person I wanted to style me for nights out...remember how I turned to you all the time for the A-OK before we left the house?
    Yeah. Be a stylist and take the plunge and move to the big city. And I will be your country bumpkin friend who comes to visit and is all side eyed at how everything is so big and bright and shiny. Ok?
    And THEN they'll make a reality show about you and you could be a cooler version of Gok Wan!!! But only for famous people, obvs.
    Love you xxx
