Sunday 14 July 2013

Easy To Be Colourblind - a racism rant

Racism is one of the ugliest things about the human race. I personally can't stand it and I have yet to be proven wrong as to why its a good thing. Sorry once again folks its a rant about something I don't agree with or fully understand. I don't get why people should be judged by their skin colour. It wasn't our choice, when in the womb we aren't given a choice as to what colour we come out as.

Judge someone by their actions as an individual not by their race, colour or creed. The true test of a person is how they treat others. There is no chemical in our brain that makes us do what we do - it is a choice. It is scary to think that some people are too afraid to go to some parts of the world or even their own city because of their skin colour, because of the pigment of their skin. It shouldn't be this way. This is our world, we are all members of the human race and we should all treat eachother the same unless someone gives us a reason not to like them. A murderer, a rapist, a paedophile, an animal abuser can have any colour skin. A teacher, a police officer, a fireman, a doctor, a nurse can have any colour skin.

I am one of the lucky ones - I was born in England and I am white so I have never experienced racism. I am not even 100% sure as to what words I should be offended by. Some people I know are racist, there is a tiny sense of segregation in my city and certain races keep themselves to themselves so I am aware of racism quite a lot. IT'S 2013! Why are we keeping ourselves in the past? We don't need to. A person is a person regardless of their heritage.  I am extremely lucky compared to a racist as I have had friends from all walks of life and my life is richer because of it. A racist is a person who is keeping them selves locked away - we can learn so much from 'different' people.

 I used to live with two room-mates, one was of Chinese descent and the other from Uganda; we looked like a Benetton advertisement walking down the street. I didn't even notice their skin colour and they never made a point of mine or their's. My Godmother is Indian - I never even noticed. Its so easy to not be racist, I have been doing it for 24 years and I feel all the better for it. If you want to hate someone have a good reason, don't hate a person's heritage. If you are reading this and feel sometimes you can be racist ask yourself something; has my life benefited by keeping myself segregated from them?

Every race has their bad people but the good people out weigh them 10 fold. We have all types of people defending our country, saving our lives and teaching us. Would you stop someone of a different race from doing these things? No you wouldn't, so why are you happy to judge them any other time? No person is born racist on this earth and it is incredibly hard to find someone who has the exact pigment as you. So when does it end? Will we be one day judging someone for being a concealer/foundation colour darker/lighter than your own? Sounds stupid put this way doesn't it? This is exactly what is happening.

1 comment:

  1. The phrase I hate the most is 'I'm not racist but...'
    There should never be a but!! Be more eloquent in your argument, if you have an issue and you want to talk about it then choose your words better. And if it sounds as if it's going to be racist, then it probably is!!!
    Love your blog hun xx
