Sunday 14 July 2013

Fake Friends

I watch a lot of TV. A lot. So obviously I get people envy; envy in the sense that I want these people to exist because I think they would make the best friends. Obviously I love my real friends, but as the great Craig Chambers once said 'You can never have too many friends!' Naturally I made a list of some people that need to be real that only exist on the box. (I enjoy making lists almost as much as watching TV).

Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory)
She is a smart cookie, loves her friends and has a bit of wit in that noggin of hers. Also as she slowly adjusts to a social life I could convince her all of my opinions are right - so no arguments.

Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan (Friends)
I could attend all of her gigs and she could give me free massages. I love her attitude to life and I bet if I spent just 5 minutes with her some of my cares would drift away.

Karen Walker (Will & Grace)
She is rich. Filthy rich. She looks after her friends. So then I would be rich. That's all I want from life.

Gloria Pritchett (Modern Family)
I am probably one of the few people to love her voice. I would have her shout at everybody in the street.

Spencer Reed (Criminal Minds)
He is extremely intelligent and can read something like 15,000 words a minute. If I have a book that I want to know the ending of quickly I would have him round quick-sharpish.

Raven Baxter (That's So Raven)
Can't hurt to have a psychic around (much). Everything looks like fun when you are around her. Also within my clumsy life it would be nice to have someone to warn me of the traps ahead.

Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
She is just positive 100% of the time. Never a sad moment. She even laughs when she heard she lost her election. I need positive people around me as I can be a Debbie Downer at times.

Cameron Tucker (Modern Family)
It was a toss up between him and Phil. I just feel Cam would turn every frown upside down. I would feel normal standing next to his extreme ways and hysterics - or I would join in, nothing wrong with being dramatic.

Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Everybody needs a bitchy friend. And who better to have then the Queen B herself. She runs the New York elite and makes no apologies. She has power, I like people with power.

Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
I love her wit, sarcasm and attitude. Plus having a private investigator as a buddy must have its privileges - also she is gorgeous and would look nice to stand near.

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