Wednesday 3 July 2013

Third Wheeling It

I have been on this Earth for 24 year and I have roughly been a 3rd Wheel for 24 years. For aslong as I can remember my closest friends have been in relationships. I have not. It's okay though, I don't think I am suitable for a relationship - too busy perfecting my 3rd Wheel status.

Some times been a 3rd wheel can suck the big one. Many occasions I will be invited somewhere with someone and they neglect to tell me their 'other half' will be there. Lucky for me I get on with a lot of my friends partners, sometimes not though - my personality is a bit Marmite. These partners will become good friends after a while, but I know it weirds them out how close I am with some of my friends. For example on one New Year's Eve I kissed my friend at midnight - I could sense the jealousy of her partner and he grabbed me and kissed me as well. It was awkward.

Being a 3rd wheel is not so bad, being a 5th, 7th or 9th is when it gets uncomfortable. All the couple sit together, twiddle fingers and whisper sweet nothings; I feel that I have to be the entertainer of the group. They don't ask me to, but to get noticed I have to be funny and act as though I don't care. It's not even as if I want a boy/girlfriend, I just want my 'person', someone I can call my +1 when invited to some event and someone I can call and hang out with at any time - we don't need to bump uglies. The last wedding I went to my +1 was my best friend - her fiancé stayed home.

This didn't mean to be a moany post, because I don't need to moan. I have an awesome group of friends and they are all happy in their relationships - kudos to them. Being a 3rd wheel is only awful if you let it be. Many a time I will be with someone and they will be moaning about their 'other half' and that they just want a night out without them - not a problem for me. I don't have to babysit anyone, if a friend starts to vom I just pass them to their carer (other half) and off I go for some more slut-drops and vodka cokes.

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