Monday 1 July 2013

Game Over

I used to be a gamer - not to the extremes that people can be now, but after school you could often find me on the Sega battling the Boss with a little blue hedgehog that for some unexplained reason can run really fast (and is blue?!?). I also got in to the whole Pokemon fandom, I collected the cards and had the Gameboy game (still need the shiny Charazard card!) Then I was introduced to The Sims - perfect game for someone that loves controlling what people do. I never complete the challenges though. I build the houses, make the people pretty, make them WooHoo and then kill them in a fire (I'm sure some Psychologist would have a field day with that).

Nowadays games are huge. I literally had to google some names because I am so out of the loop. I'm not 100% sure what number Playstation we are on now. My main issue is that I am not completely comfortable with games where you can turn around corners. On Sonic it was very simple you run from the left to the right - no corners. Also new games seem quite scary, no longer is it a little fat man with a red blazer you have to beat, they are full on monsters that you can't kill by just jumping on their head. There are weapons and strategies and people on headsets talking to people all over the world. Maybe if I followed the natural progression of the gaming world it wouldn't be such a shock, but having taken a step back I am dumbfounded by the development.

I would however like to get into gaming a little bit. Just a peak in to the world; but where do I start? Which console? Which game? Should I wait for the new consoles? There is a lot to take in to consideration and I need someone to grab my hand and guide me through.

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