Thursday 4 July 2013

Office Fashion Wars

Once Upon a Time I quit university. It got too stressful and seriously made me doubt my choices in life. So I then went and got a 'real' job. I worked in a call centre for one of Britain's leading phone retailers. I lasted 3 months. I never passed the training and it made me miserable. It was the push I needed to go back to university. I am not putting down anyone that works in a call centre - some of my former colleagues were amazing at the job - I was just not one of those people. Every insult I got I took personal and I constantly felt like a failure (I was often convinced of this as we had score cards - mine was red all the time).

One of the major thing that annoyed me was the office dress code. I didn't see the point of it as no one could see us - we were a call centre. When I got the job I had to go out and buy an office wardrobe. Suits and ties (not in a sexy Justin Timberlake way). Suddenly all the clothes I liked were now my after work clothes. It sucked because I only feel comfortable in any situation if I am wearing an outfit I like. One of the things that annoyed the most about office dress was the gender difference. Men are all wearing suits, ties and trousers with a line pressed down the middle - so limiting. Then the female gender would walk in and they could literally wear anything they want. On the dress code for them all that was asked of them were no open toes, no shorts and no leggings - that was it. They could wear any outfit of choice. The men are a sea of blue, black, brown and grey. The women wear any colour, any style and any shoes they pleased.

This isn't anger, its more jealousy. As a lover of fashion I am very aware of the huge choice women have compared to their male counterparts. I am not saying I want to wear booty shorts and a tube top; I just wish there were more options for men that are socially accepted. In an office the only time we get to have a bit of fun is with a funky tie. I hate ties so I wasn't going to spend a butt load at Tie Rack. I think men look amazing in a suit, sometimes there is nothing sexier - I am not one of these men. It makes me uncomfortable, fidgety and the tie feels like a noose.

So to all the male fashion designers, lets get you're heads together and design some pieces that men can wear in an office and not break any rules. Cheers.


  1. Oh babes! You're scorecard was totes a sea of green!!!! They have now got rid off it !!

    I miss not seeing you at work Craig!!


    1. haha the only time I saw green was when I got my calls under 5 minutes for one week. It was awful. I miss you aswell. I really don't miss the job - at all. x
