Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Amanda Show

I don't want to kick her while she is down, but I am worried about Amanda Bynes. She is one of the best comedic actresses of recent decades. If you disagree watch She's The Man - she was amazing in it. She had a great run of films from She's The Man to Hairspray to Easy A. And then BANG she announces retirement. This was a shock as it was and then she was quiet for a while. Then another BANG she is all over Twitter and she is unrecognisable. Her face, body and hair seem to have transformed. Her behaviour has become erratic and she is making crazy statements.

She has seemed to of followed the road that the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears have paved, and over passed them whilst flicking the middle finger as she does. Both Lindsay and Britney have gotten help and got healthy.

Amanda shows no sign of accepting help never mind accepting the fact she might need it. She has got arrested, spread stories about her family and called every celebrity in Hollywood 'Ugly'. She has had multiple nose jobs and has pierced her cheeks.

I miss the old Amanda. I was a fan of the old Amanda. Please bring the old Amanda back. Actresses are stealing roles that would have been perfect for her. She has announced a fashion line and I wish her nothing but the best.

1 comment:

  1. It pains me to say it but I would not be surprised if she was found to have had an overdose of something!! :( x
