Tuesday 25 June 2013

They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly..."

Reading my blog I may have mentioned that I am a huge fan of horror movies, my favourite type are slasher films. I enjoy the horror of watching a serial killer; and then the demise of the serial killer. So at the suggestion of a friend I thought I would write about my top 7, was going to be a top 5 but lets think outside the box.

7. John Kramer/Jigsaw
Victims - 86
Movies - 7
These films were obviously from the mind of a sick and twisted genius. The deaths were imaginative and gruesome - what else would you expect? The beauty of this serial killer is that he never actually killed anyone; it was the choice of the victim.

6. Freddy Krueger
Victims - 62
Movies - 8
I find this villain more comical then serious which kind of ruins the aesthetic of the films for me; I can understand why people love him though. I felt the best representation of this character was in the 2010 remake of A Nightmare On Elm Street. He became much more sinister and scary and a hell of a lot less funny.

5. Jason Voorhees
Victims - 300+ (including Freddy Krueger)
Movies - 13
We all know that it was his mother who was the killer in the original Friday The 13th (Drew Barrymore's character learnt that the hard way in Scream). However Jason quickly took the lead. My favourite type of movie killers are the ones that don't speak or show emotion - they are a hell of a lot more scary to me and his size doesn't help; utterly terrifying.

4. Michael Myers
Victims - 111
Movies - 10
Another emotionless and mute villain. I heard a rumour that the mask he has is actually a melted William Shatner mask. Never fully understood his motives and his vendetta against Jamie Lee Curtis, but these are some of my favourite horror movies. The remakes were really good as well and made Michael seem more monstrous than human.

3. Norman Bates
Victims - I have no clue
Movies - 6 (Plus a TV show)
Considered to be the original serial killer by most; he is definitely the most intriguing to me. The true horror lies in the fact that he could be any Tom, Dick or Harry. He is so normal looking and non threatening. He has a split personality and half the time lives as his Mother - technically she is the more villainous one.

2. Leatherface
Victims - 31
Movies - 7
He is huge, he is an expert Butcher and he has a mask made of human skin - that's a pretty scary dude. Another emotionless and mute character; what worries me the most is that I felt sorry for him in the latest film in the franchise - Texas Chainsaw 3D. At the end of the day he was protecting what he thought needed protecting, been taught by his family what they thought was right and wrong.

1. Ghostface
Victims - 41
Movies - 4
Ghostface may not be the scariest villain and also may not be the most talented, but there is something about Ghostface that I love. Once again it could be anyone who you meet on the street. My favourite Ghostface is from Scream - Stu and Billy. One of my favourite scenes in a film ever is when Stu and Billy are unmasked and they fight with Sidney. I secretly hope for a 5th and 6th in the franchise just so Scream get up there in highest money making franchises ever and gets the respect it deserves.

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